We start 2017 with nice commissions for several big financials, a Dutch museum and a Amsterdam Hospital!

in the mean time we are playing the Trump card!


A roadmapping event for a financial in february 2017 with our partner Inspirators Factory




Have a closer look. It’s not just a map. It’s a visual statement of the tribe’s aspirations for the future. The Camuni carved the diagram in stone, and placed it where everyone in their tribe and other passing tribes, could see it. It was a reminder, a daily inspiration as to the tribe’s purpose, their place in the world, and their intent.

In the reality of our complex contemporary culture, purpose is that which can provide stability for organisations.

That’s what we do: we help you and your organisation rediscover a strong sense of purpose and to convert that purpose into sustainable success.

Network mapping for the Dutch Council



Rootinc, a leading corporation in the change bizz declares “If you want to truly engage your people, transform your culture, improve communications, and more effectively execute strategies, it’s critical to tap both sides of people’s brains.”   They conclude that engagement tactics are most effective when memorable, visually engaging, relevant, and actionable. With that ideal combination it enhances the learning process and produce results.

Are they talking about Companymaps Roadmap Methodology?

No, but it gives us the confidense that behind our succes there is a pattern, a broad vision of professionals that think in the same direction.

Rootinc continues; “Every person is unique. It’s one of the things that makes our world so interesting and exciting. But it can also make communication a challenge because each person has an individual style of learning. If you’re using the same method for everyone, you probably aren’t getting optimal results. Root gets it done by devising creative and visual methods to deliver a message that connects people to complex strategies and makes it much easier to understand and process. That clarity of communication helps employees own and engage in the strategy to accelerate results.”

Well, Companymap  can make that happen, Lets map together!!